wwpcm: Saratov (Russia)
New Russian publisher in the city Saratov since 1998.
this adresses not used now:
"Union Chernobil", Pugatchevskaja str. 117, 410600 Saratov, Russia
       (410600 Саратов, Пугачевская 117, "Союз Чернобыль")
tel. (8452) 513324, 513101, 531320
http://www.souzchernobyl.narod.ru; e-mail:  SouzChernobylsar@mail.ru

First decks were marked as "St. Petersburg" (to drop a hint at Color Printing Plant).
Next name (1999-2000) was "Vibor" /СРООИ "Выбор"/
And since 2000 there is name "Union Chernobil" /КРО "Союз Чернобыль"/.
This name is intended for reduse taxes (do You remember a nuclear disaster of 1986?).
For this reason used and other different names (see "marked as"). 
I marked all Saratov decks as  "Union Chernobil" untill 2007. And now simple "Saratov".

In 2005 the company was divided by two separate parts.
One of them usually marked boxes as "Helium", "Zadira" or "Tos".

50 years of October 109, 410052 Saratov, Russia
(410052 Саратов, пр. 50 лет Октября 109, ЗАО "Гелий")
50 years of October 101, 410033 Saratov, Russia
(410033 Саратов, пр. 50 лет Октября 101, OOО "Toc")
tel. (8452) 353660, 353811