publisher "Press of the Woolly Whale" (New York, USA)
deck "26th Yankee Division" (52+1J+1ec, 400 copies), 1933
second name "Mademoiselle from Armentierre" (Hochman)
designed by A.Butler

d00139j01 d00139r01 d00139r01b d00139a01 box
spade heart diamond club
king king king king
queen queen queen queen
jack jack jack jack
The Press of the Woolly Whale was owned by Melbert B. Cary Jr.  who was a very well known collector of playing cards.
He published this as a tribute to his service in WWI and in commemoration of thesigning of the Armistice.
The deck honored the 103rd Field Artillery of which Mr. Cary was a member.
The Queens represent the four Mademoiselles made famous by the WWI song “Parlez Vous.”