publisher "Good Neighbor"
set (one box) for the American Association of University Women, 1941
dimension 58x89 mm
Lit.: Hochman N20/21, listed this decks as 1948, but I think it's an error:
jokers marked as 1941 by Ariel Baynes and this kind of "joker" printed till 1946
1. WWPCM05997/01: deck "Inca"

d05997j01 d05997a01 d05997r01
spade heart diamond club
ace//big ace ace ace
king king king king
queen queen queen queen
jack jack jack jack
10 9 8 7

2. WWPCM05997/02: deck "Maya"

d05997j02 d05997r02
king king king king
queen queen queen queen
jack jack jack jack